How to Deactivate MTN Xtra Time in South Africa

Deactivate MTN Xtra Time in South Africa

MTN Xtra Time is a convenient service that allows customers to replenish depleted airtime and data bundles when they don’t have cash. However, some users may not be comfortable with this service and want to cancel or unsubscribe. To deactivate MTN Xtra Time, follow these steps:

  1. Dial the cancellation code: To cancel MTN Xtra Time, dial *136*774*3 on your MTN phone. This code has been reported to help users who have had unpleasant experiences with the service.
  2. Visit the MTN official website: For more details on MTN Xtra Time, you can visit the official MTN website. This will provide you with comprehensive information on the service and its terms and conditions.
  3. Explore alternative recharging options: If you’re looking for alternative ways to recharge your MTN account, you can consider using This platform allows you to recharge your loved ones’ mobiles in South Africa, and it’s easy to use.
  4. Understand the terms and conditions: Before canceling the service, it’s essential to understand the terms and conditions of MTN Xtra Time. This will help you make an informed decision about whether to cancel the service or continue using it.

Remember, you have the right to cancel the service if you’re not comfortable with the changes or terms and conditions. By following these steps, you can deactivate MTN Xtra Time and find alternative ways to manage your MTN account.

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