How to Cancel MTN Tariff Plan in South Africa

how to cancel mtn tariff plan in south africa

To cancel your MTN tariff plan in South Africa, you can follow these steps:

  1. Dial 1364# and follow the prompts to choose the option to cancel your current tariff plan.
  2. You can also use the myMTN App. Log in to the app, select ‘Other Plans’, and then select the option to cancel your current tariff plan.

It’s important to note that if you cancel your current tariff plan, you will need to choose a new plan to replace it. Take the time to compare the available plans and choose the one that best suits your needs.

In summary, canceling your MTN tariff plan in South Africa is a simple process that can be done using USSD codes or the myMTN App. If you decide to cancel your current plan, make sure to select a new plan that offers the features and benefits you require.

Can I cancel mtn tariff plan online in South Africa?

Currently, it is not possible to cancel an MTN tariff plan online in South Africa. To cancel your MTN tariff plan, you can follow these steps:

  1. Dial the USSD code 1364# and follow the prompts to choose the option to cancel your current tariff plan.
  2. You can also use the myMTN App. Login to the app, select ‘Other Plans’, and then select the option to cancel your current tariff plan.

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