No. 1 Guide On Telkom South Africa Data Bundles

No. 1 Guide On Telkom South Africa Data Bundles

Telkom is a leading telecommunications provider in South Africa, offering a range of prepaid services to cater to the needs of its customers. One such service that Telkom provides is data bundles, allowing users to stay connected and access the internet on their mobile devices. In this blog post, we will explore how you can buy data on Telkom Mobile, the different types of data bundles offered by Telkom, tips for buying data, and additional services provided by the company.

How to Buy Data on Telkom Mobile

There are several methods to purchase data on Telkom Mobile, including using airtime, self-service portals, mobile banking apps, and the Telkom Mobile app. To buy data bundles through the Telkom Mobile app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Telkom Mobile app.
  2. Click the “buy” option.
  3. Select data bundles.
  4. Choose the bundle type (e.g., LTE/LTE-A once off).
  5. Pick a bundle amount (e.g., 5GB + 5GB).
  6. Choose your payment method.
  7. Once a confirmation alert appears on your screen, select continue.
  8. An alert of a successful bundles purchase will appear on your screen.

Types of Data Bundles Offered by Telkom

Telkom offers various data bundles to cater to different user needs and budgets. Some of the popular options include:

  • Weekend Social Bundles: These bundles are designed for users who want to enjoy data during weekends only. For example, 1GB of data costs R35.
  • Monthly Social Bundles: These bundles are suitable for users who want data access throughout the month. For example, 1GB of data costs R40.
  • Weekend Packages: These bundles are ideal for users who want data access only during weekends. For example, 1GB of data costs R49.
  • Mobile FreeMe Bundles: For R99, you can purchase bundles that include 1.2GB of data, valid for 61 days.

Tips for Buying Data on Telkom Mobile

To maximize your data usage while keeping costs low, consider the following tips:

  1. Choose a data bundle that suits your needs and budget.
  2. Monitor your data usage to avoid overspending on unnecessary features.
  3. Keep an eye out for promotions and special offers from Telkom.
  4. Consider purchasing additional data bundles through the Telkom Mobile app for convenience and savings.


Telkom South Africa offers a wide range of data bundles to cater to the needs of different users. By using the Telkom Mobile app, you can easily purchase data bundles and manage your data usage to stay connected and save money. With various options available, you can find the perfect data bundle to suit your needs and budget.

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